1:1 Human Design Readings & Room Concepts

Human Design is your Inner Architecture. How you were built to operate in this world. 

Everything in this world is made of energy and Human Design is your energetic blueprint: a practical tool to understand yourself better.

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How it works

1. Choose a reading that resonates with you & and select a date and time that works best for you.

2. Please ensure to provide your birth details (day, location, and exact time) during the booking process so that I can prepare the reading for your appointment.

3. After scheduling your session, you'll receive a confirmation email including the date, time, and Zoom link for the session taking place.

Now, you're all set for your 1:1 Human Design Reading with me! Following each session, you'll receive a recording for your reference, allowing you to revisit the information whenever necessary.

At the moment I’m only doing Human Design Readings in German.

Knowing your supportive environment
(and your super sense aka cognition type) enhance your physical experiences and well-being!

Environment Reading

The Environment Reading is all about the dynamics between your inherent energy and your environment.

Our bodies are constantly interacting and in dialogue with the environment. And again, this is where your Human Design chart comes in!

Whether this is your first Human Design Reading or you're seeking a deeper dive into your chart, the Environment Reading is for anyone who wants to understand their individual dynamics between themselves and their environment.

Together we will go through your open and defined energy centres (aka where you are most open to conditioning and external influences), how you navigate life in the physical world, your cognition and most importantly, your Environment Variable.

Your Human Design Environment unlocks what your body seeks in a space, room, or environment.
We'll uncover the environment that is most nourishing for you, as well as the atmospheres your body vibes best with. Our bodies perceive space differently, while our environment stimulates us on several levels.

Knowing your supportive environment (and your super sense, aka cognition type) enhance your physical experiences and well-being! We feel pleasure and protection when the body discovers its resonance in space.

This Reading is for you if you want to understand:
how your inherent energy interacts with your living spaces

—how to create your ideal environment including your individual needs in a space

—a deeper understanding of where you may find yourself out of harmony with your surroundings

—your strongest sense to perceive your environment and, on top of that, how to interpret these subtle sensation from your body to make the right decisions

60 minutes / 99 Euro

Duo Reading

Can't decide?  Let's combine the Readings to give you more insight into your personal chart!

We'll start with the Fundamental Reading, where we'll uncover the essential aspects of your chart!

Then you can choose whether you want to continue with the Follow-Up Reading to explore your innate energy even further, or if you prefer to focus on how your energy interacts with your environment.

90 minutes + 60 minutes / 180 Euro

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