Human Design Readings & Room Concepts

Human Design is all about energies: It is the science of our aura, our energetic body.

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How it works

1. Choose a reading that resonates with you & and select a date and time that works best for you.

2. Please ensure to provide your birth details (day, location, and exact time) during the booking process so that I can prepare the reading for your appointment.

3. After scheduling your session, you'll receive a confirmation email including the date, time, and Zoom link for the session taking place.

Now, you're all set for your 1:1 Human Design Reading with me! Following each session, you'll receive a recording for your reference, allowing you to revisit the information whenever necessary.

At the moment I’m only doing Human Design Readings in German.

Let’s dive into your Human Design chart together! — Let’s dive into your Human Design chart together! — Let’s dive into your Human Design chart together! — Let’s dive into your Human Design chart together! — Let’s dive into your Human Design chart together! — Let’s dive into your Human Design chart together! — Let’s dive into your Human Design chart together! —

Fundamental Reading

The Fundamental Reading is a journey through your human design chart and is all about your inherent energy.

We will explore your very own blueprint and uncover the fundamental aspects of your chart, including your energy type, how you use your body as a decision-making tool (aka personal authority), your profile, your energy centers, and your individual gifts. 
This is a great introduction to Human Design and an amazing way to get to know yourself better.

Good news: Your Human Design chart doesn’t change! Once you gain knowledge about your unique chart, you can implement it into your day-to-day or delve deeper into your chart in a Follow-Up Reading. 

This Reading is for you if:
—you are new to Human Design and want to understand how your inherent energy naturally moves to gain more self-awareness

—need practical steps to implement Human Design knowledge in your day-to-day

—want to differentiate which aspects belong to you and what is conditioned

75 minutes / 111 Euro


Let’s discover more layers of your Human Design chart together!

If you already had the Fundamental Reading and are curious about your chart in more detail, or you just like to focus on a specific topic, this Follow-Up session is for you!

During this session, we'll uncover additional layers of your Human Design chart: Together, we'll explore your Variables which include your digestion, environment, perspective, motivation, and integrate planetary influences for a deeper understanding of your unique chart. 

If there is a particular topic you would like to focus on during the session, feel free to let me know.

60 Minutes / 99 Euro


Knowing your supportive environment
(and your super sense aka cognition type) enhance your physical experiences and well-being!

Environment Reading

The Environment Reading is all about the dynamics between your inherent energy and your environment.

Our bodies are constantly interacting and in dialogue with the environment. And again, this is where your Human Design chart comes in!

Whether this is your first Human Design Reading or you're seeking a deeper dive into your chart, the Environment Reading is for anyone who wants to understand their individual dynamics between themselves and their environment.

Together we will go through your open and defined energy centres (aka where you are most open to conditioning and external influences), how you navigate life in the physical world, your cognition and most importantly, your Environment Variable.

Your Human Design Environment unlocks what your body seeks in a space, room, or environment.
We'll uncover the environment that is most nourishing for you, as well as the atmospheres your body vibes best with. Our bodies perceive space differently, while our environment stimulates us on several levels.

Knowing your supportive environment (and your super sense, aka cognition type) enhance your physical experiences and well-being! We feel pleasure and protection when the body discovers its resonance in space.

This Reading is for you if you want to understand:
how your inherent energy interacts with your living spaces

—how to create your ideal environment including your individual needs in a space

—a deeper understanding of where you may find yourself out of harmony with your surroundings

—your strongest sense to perceive your environment and, on top of that, how to interpret these subtle sensation from your body to make the right decisions

60 minutes / 99 Euro

Duo Reading

Can't decide?  Let's combine the Readings to give you more insight into your personal chart!

We'll start with the Fundamental Reading, where we'll uncover the essential aspects of your chart!

Then you can choose whether you want to continue with the Follow-Up Reading to explore your innate energy even further, or if you prefer to focus on how your energy interacts with your environment.

75 minutes + 60 minutes / 180 Euro

Room Concepts

I help you creating personal spaces that resonate with you, support your physical body and reflect your character.

With my expertise in Architecture and Interior Design, I translate your identity into unique room concepts to fulfil both your physical and psychological needs.

I would love to hear about your project. Feel free to reach out and share your ideas with me, or if you're still uncertain about integrating Human Design into your surroundings.

Let’s work on your interior project together!

Client Love

“Yesterday I had my first Human Design Reading and I couldn't ask for a better person to do it with! Sina is super nice, and infects with her fascination by Human Design. She explained every little detail within my chart and was super open to all my questions. What I also really liked is, that Sina showed me a good way to deal with my emotional authority :) Can't wait to become a reader myself. Thank you so much Sina for this amazing reading!“

— Alina,  2/4 Emotional Manifestor

“Bei meinem ersten Human Design Reading mit Sina war ich von Anfang an beeindruckt wie emphatisch und kenntnisreich sie ist. Während des Readings half Sina mir, meine Stärken zu erkennen, die ich oft als Schwächen ansah, und versicherte mir, dass ich auf dem richtigen Weg bin. Es war so aufschlussreich, und bis heute schöpfe ich Kraft und Mut, wenn ich mir die Aufnahme noch einmal anhöre. Ich muss oft an ihre Aussagen bezüglich meines Charts denken. Eine große Empfehlung geht raus, Sina macht das so toll und ist für alle Fragen offen. Danke <3“

— Laura, 6/3 Self-Projected Projector

„Sina is phenomenal. About two months ago she gave me my first Human Design reading and I was in awe. She is not only super professional and has profound knowledge about reading a chart, she is also passionate and very intuitive which makes it very easy to dive deep into the layers of your Human Design chart. She helped me see the bigger picture of who I am and I was left with a renewed sense of being on the right track in life. I highly recommend working with Sina. She’s amazing!”

— Christine, 5/1 Sacral Manifesting Generator

„Sina hat mich sehr kraftvoll und mitfühlend durch das Reading geführt. Ich habe ihre Begeisterung für human design in jedem Satz gespürt. Ich durfte viele neue Dinge über mich selbst erfahren mit denen ich tief resonieren konnte. 

Ich habe mich verstanden und gesehen gefühlt. Das Reading hat mir viele neue Potenziale aufgezeigt und mir dabei geholfen gütig zu mir selbst zu sein. Mir wurden mit diesem Reading Türen geöffnet. Sina hat mir aus meinem Chart heraus Dinge erklärt, die ich mir lange für mich selbst gewünscht habe. Danke für so viel Klarheit. Niemals hätte ich vermutet, dass so vieles bereits in mir vorhanden ist. Definitiv eine Empfehlung.“

— Laura, 2/4 Sacral Generator

„Sina hat mich in die spannende Welt des Human Designs eingeführt und alles auf einer sehr professionellen, klaren Ebene formuliert, dass alles sehr verständlich und nachvollziehbar war. Ich erinnere mich in meinem Alltag immer noch gerne an ihre Impulse bezüglich meiner Persönlichkeit. Wer klare Aussagen haben möchte und gleichzeitig  von einer empathischen und professionellen Person begleitet werden möchte, der sollte sich auf jeden Fall ein Reading bei Sina buchen! Ich habe viele wertvolle Erkenntnisse für mich gewonnen und fand ihre ruhige und dennoch professionelle Art total super, um mich genau diesen Impulsen zu öffnen. Probier es einfach aus!“

— Mareike, 5/1 Splenic Projector

„Danke für das tolle Reading gestern - du hast es so einfühlsam & ehrlich lebendig gemacht. Keine bessere human design-erin hätte ich mir wünschen können und ich bin so bestärkt und motiviert, noch mehr ich selbst zu sein. 
Sina, danke

— Giorgia,  4/6 Mental Projector

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